The Xperia Z2 is yet another phone that's powered by latest-generation Snapdragon technology. In this case, it is the Snapdragon 801 quad-core 2.3 GHz Krait 400 beast processor, which is supposed to be just a notch slower than the AC version found in some other phones like the Galaxy S5, but in reality, there are other factors in play that will have a much bigger impact on the perceived performance. One such example is the software that's running on the phone , For Games the phone shipped with the Adreno 330 GPU which is perfect for some heavy graphics games.Overall, performance seems to be great completely lag-free. Memory-wise, there are the whopping 3 gigs of RAM
Sony's latest flagship smartphone has a pretty thin profile, but the company has still managed to fit in a remarkably juicy, 3200 mAh battery. With such a respectable capacity, the Xperia Z2 is officially said to remain operational for 19 hours of 3G talk time or 30.8 days of stand-by time. Additionally, the handset should be able to deliver up to 120 hours of continuous music listening, or up to 10 hours of video playback. These are some formidable battery times, which should make it possible even for users heavily relying on their phone to have a no-compromise experience for full 1 or 2 calendar days (depending on the user's activities and usage time).
The Sony Xperia Z2 has passed through our battery test with flying colors, finishing with a result of 8h 10 min - one of the best we've seen! For those who don't know, our battery test runs a custom-made script on the phone, and it's specifically designed to replicate real-world usage. Of course, while it's not perfectly accurate (as any other synthetic benchmark), it does give a relatively good idea of what to expect from a certain handset in the battery life area.
So, as you can see in the graph below, the Xperia Z2 has turned out to be among the best performers in the field, finishing right behind the Galaxy S5, which also has a fantastic result. It's always a good idea to keep in mind that battery life experience can greatly vary from user to user, due to different usage patterns and intensity, but all in all, it's hard to argue with numbers, and the Xperia Z2 has given us just that - indisputable proof that the battery it packs is a real marathoner!
Meanwhile, it seems the time it takes to charge the Xperia Z2 is fairly standard, which is to say that it's slower than some more forward-looking phones, like the GS5 and the Oppo Find 7a, which obviously employ techniques that allow them to fill up their tanks significantly faster.
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